Sunday, February 19, 2012

Are you primarily accommodative or essentially radiant?

To be or not to be, that is the question indeed. The virtue of a life in Christ is much decided by what of the above two we are – primarily accommodative or essentially radiant. Note the adjectives primarily and essentially. We, at all times, are a bit of both. Being the latter is progressive from being the former. The question is in which category we are now.

To be essentially radiant, we need to have something to be radiant of. Our cup has to be filled by the Lord in order to actually over flow. We have to allow that filling to happen. Rather, we must accommodate because without it, it is impossible to even be essentially radiant, because we will be then be radiant of nothing. Note John 15: 4-5.

Being primarily accommodative, on the other hand, is a state in which we seek our own selves – both with full intention or without knowing it (but end up doing it, none the less). Like already mentioned, there are needs, both sincere and necessary. The importance of these needs which we are accommodative of, in either case, present themselves and are some things we can’t deny. Needs that are necessary, just are by virtue of being so.

There is no objective line to draw before which the need is sincere and beyond which it is not. Sincerity cannot be taught. On the other hand, it can be seen and recognised. It can be said, with dispute (do tell what you have to say on the matter), that our sincerity lies towards the direction the heart tends. Someone asking that they be accommodated in a manner they demand, everything else regardless, is not sincere if they consider that more important than being available to be where God would have them be. At best, a sincere heart will not cause a legalistic argument to be accommodated. It will trust the Lord and choose to be where the Lord would have it be and radiate. Note Luke 9:23-24, Heb 5: 12-14, Matthew 6: 24-34.

Now there are two levels to this principle. The first one is at the level of our intended approach. If we approach our every moment of life towards being the former, primarily accommodative, we do not allow our cup to overflow and let our light shine. If we are essentially radiant, we do that. Note Matthew 5:13-16.

The other approach is in our efforts to do what God would have us do, which category do we come under? Do we end up being primarily accommodative, despite our efforts to be essentially radiant? The best way to look at this is from an outside analysis of our efforts and matching the results. The link between the intention and the result is lost when the psyche takes over the actions and there no more exists a connect between our intentions and our actions. We stop thinking and doing but we constantly seek that emotional high, understandably. That's why we must see if our actions, at the end of the day, are right and are representative and intune with our intentions - breaking it down to the last detail of what they represent. Note I Thessalonians 5:21. One of the main qualities of being essentially radiant is never giving up hope, with love. Note Revelations 3:20, I Corinthians 13.

Therefore then, let us ask the question: are we primarily accommodative or essentially radiant and work towards being the latter. Note Hebrews 5:12-14.

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